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 Réputations et récompenses (anglais)

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Seigneur de Guerre

Messages : 167
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2007
Age : 52
Localisation : Les Landes d'Etten

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Classe: Maître du Savoir
Besoin en artisanat: de sommeil

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MessageSujet: Réputations et récompenses (anglais)   Réputations et récompenses (anglais) Icon_minitimeMer 3 Oct - 17:24

*** The Elves of Rivendell
Quest Level: 35
Rep NPC: Imyl (inside the homely house)
Rep Hall:
Drops: Signets of Rhudaur (worn by the Corcurs)
MOB Rep Gains:
- None
- Unknown
- Healers Earring (level 45, 14 will, 14 fate, 82 power)
- Unknown
Unknown Level:
- Elven Virtue (+1 Wisdom, +1 Charity, +1 Patience - Elf only)
- Warriors Edge Dagger (24.1 dps, 14 might, 1% parry, 1% crit, beleriand damage)
- 4 Healer Jewelry items
- 4 Warrior Jewelry items'
- Bow

*** Council of the North (Angmar)

Quest Level: 45
Rep NPC: Annabla (inside Gath Forthnir)
Rep Vendor: Halfgrim (near new milestone)
Drops: Bone Amulets - off wights and dead in Imlad Balchorth
Drops: Wicked Dagger, War plans- can turn in for rep once you're an acquaintance
MOB Rep Gains: Angmarim Elites doing book 7.8, 8.5 instance
- None
- Archer's Armlet - +28 Agility, +1.4 in combat power regen (Archer of the Council set piece)
- Archer's Hoop - +14 Agility, +14 Fate, +20 Power, +1% Ranged Crit (Archer of the Council set)
- Sage's Ring - +14 Fate, +21 Morale, +42 Power, +3% Tactical Crit (Sage of the Council set)
- Archer's Cover - +14 agility, +28 Will, +7 Fate (Archer of the Council set)
- Sage's Pendant - +13 Vitality, +13 Fate, +1% Tactical Crit (Sage of the Council set)
- Archer's Ally (bow) - 60-95 common dmg, 2.6 speed, 29.7 dps, +1% auto attack crit, +2% ranged crit, reduced induction time (Archer of the Council set)
- Sage's Staff - 64-84 common dmg, +30 Fate, +90 Power, +2.1 in Combat power regen, +2% Tactial Crit (Sage of the Council set)
- Warden's Shield - Heavy shield, 641 Armour, -10% ranged vulnerability, +2% block, -2% melee vuln, +2% incoming healing (Warden of Annuminas set)
Unknown Level:
- Horse (dapple Gray) 5.3g

Reward Photo: Courtesy of the Elder Knights on Firefoot

*** Rangers of Esteldin
Quest Level: 38
Rep NPC: Nethur (crafting area in Esteldin)
Rep Vendor: Malenfang, near Nethur
Drops: Orc Battle Medallions from Orcs in Dol-Dinen
Drops at later Rep levels: War-Master Lashes
MOB Rep Gains: Fornost creatures giving 8-15 rep per
- Bow - Curandir 26.9 dps, +5 damage to orc-king, +1% auto-attack crit, reduced thread, 42-66 light damage

*** Longbeards of Thorin's Hall
Quest Level: 46 (can grab at level 39)
Rep NPC: Torth (by the waterfall)
Rep Hall: Door right by Torth at the waterfall (Superior Workbench inside)
Drops: Dourhand Crests (Sarnur - south of Thorins, west of Noglong in the Ruins of Orodost)
Drops: 1st Age Relics - ability to turn-in once you achieve acquaintance status
MOB Rep Gains:
-6 or so weapons all around 26 DPS that require certain traits to be slotted
-1 trait enhancement that enhances 3 traits (dwarf only = +1 zeal, +1 Idealism, +1 Fidelity)
-3 new captain herald skins that require expert tailoring (dwarf heralds - possibly run slower than others)

Unknown Level:
- Repair Anvil (Metalsmithing Recipe)

*** Men of Bree
Quest Level: 42
Rep NPC: Tad Leafcutter -- by the hunter trainer, south end
Rep Hall: Hunters hall right by Tad
Drops: Barrow Treasures from Haudh Iarchith
MOB Rep Gains:
- Repair Anvil (Weaponsmithing Recipe)
- Trait for +1 Justice, +1 Confidence, +1 Patience
- Bunch of Westernesse weapons, all around 20-23dps with 8s or so bonus to stats-Friend Rep

*** Mathom Society (Shire)
Quest Level: 35 (can grab at level 29)
Rep NPC: Greylong Bottomley - outside Mathom House in Michel Delving
Rep Hall: Mathom House (Superior Study inside)
Drops: Mathoms - lvl 35-45 men, dwarves, orc, troll, dead - world
Drops: At friendly you get a quest to find 1 Well-Kept Mathom
MOB Rep Gains:
- Prized Mailbag--when you right-click, you're carrying a mailbag and nosey hobbits can't see you.
- Hobbit Racial Trait buff....give +1 to 3 traits (empathy, honesty, charity)
- Shovel, Butter Knife, and some other item/weapon...all with poor stats (assumed for RP)
- Jar of Fireflies... gives you a temporary glowy effect

*** Wardens of Annuminas (Evendim)
Quest Level: 35 (can grab at level 29)
Rep NPC: Cannuion (far end by the big building)
Rep Hall: Big building with the scrying pool and quest givers just outside camp
Drops: Tomb-Raider's Sashes (Tomb-Raiders throughout Evendim)
Drops at Friendly: Rings of Numenor, Black Badges
MOB Rep Gains: All around Annuminas and Book 10 areas, elites giving 10-20 rep
- None
- Warden's Earring - +7 Might, +14 Vitality, +0.6 in-combat Morale regen (Warden of Annuminas set)
- Warden's Necklace - +12 Vitality, +2% incoming healing (Warden of Annuminas set)
- Warden's Signet (pocket) - +14 Vitality, +7 Will, reflects portion of dmg back to attacker (Warden of Annuminas set)
- Healers Buckler (Shield) - 199 Armour, +15 Willa, +15 Fate, +1% block and tactical crit (Healer of Rivendell set)
- Sage's Blade (1h sword) - 47-67 common dmg, 26.1 dps, +15 Fate, +90 Power, +1.1 in-combat power regen, +1% tactical crit (Sage of the Council set)
- Warden's Wrap (cloak) - 111 Armour, +15 Might, +15 Viatlity, +45 Morale, +1% evade chance (Warden of Annuminas set)
- Dark Chestnut Horse 5.3g
- Dark Chestnut Pony 5.3g

Reward Photo: Courtesy of Nills

Side Quest: Cuguminuial - tells you to carry supply crates to Annuminas
- this quest is small fellowship - get on the way there

Starting Quests:

From: Esteldin (Arohir - middle section)
To: Tinnundir (Cannuion by the big building near thepool)
Quest: The Wardens of Annuminas - 500 Rep

From: Esteldin (Arohir - middle section)
To: Annabla (Gath Forthnir in Angmar)
Quest: The Council of the North - 500 Rep

From: Esteldin (Hithlim - grocer by the mailbox/stable master)
To: Shire (hobbits outside Mathom House)
Quest: "Odd Requests" for 500 Rep

From: Thorin's Hall Entrance (Captain Unnarr)
To: Thorin's Hall Waterfall (Torth, Rep NPC by the waterfall)

From: Tinnundir (Calenglad)
To: Esteldin (Nathur)

From: Bree (Naerandir outside the Prancing Pony)
To: Rivendell (Imyl right inside homely house)
Quest: The Elves of Rivendell - 600 Rep

Crafting Rep Quests

Note: most of these are level 35 or higher

1. Scholar - Cachunir - Rivendell Homely house (just inside to your right)
2. Metalsmithing - Gath Forthnir - Angmar - Hroar through door in southern wing
3. Woodworking – Bree – near Hunter trainer - Maggie Smallwood by hunter trainer
4. Cooking - Michel Delving - Baltdwin Foxtail at the Mathom House (1 expert recipe, 2 artisan recipes)
5. Jewelcrafting - Thorin's Hall - Israth, right by Torth at the waterfall
6. Tailoring - Esteldin - Techeron - master tailor in crafting area (artisan level)
7. Weaponsmithing - Tinnundir – Evendim - Cannasgam in the camp

Reputation Levels

10,000 = Acquaintance
20,000 = Friend
25,000 = Ally
30,000 = Kindred

Note: At acquaintance you are able to view ALL items that will be available to you in each location.
Items you cannot get yet will be grayed out. Prices do not drop as you gain rep and no new items
appear as you gain rep.
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